For New Moms: 5 Tips to Increase Milk Production When Nursing
Posted on April 3, 2019
Congratulations on taking the next big step in your relationship. Having a baby is a wonderful time but it can also be stressful. As most nursing mothers will tell you, breast milk is like liquid gold. For some mothers, keeping up on milk production is time-consuming and stressful. Here are some tips for increasing your breast milk production while nursing.
- Maintain a healthy diet. Losing baby weight while nursing should NOT be your top priority. You need the calories to help maintain an adequate supply of milk for the baby. We also recommend that you stay hydrated. New moms have a tendency to forget to drink plenty of water during the day. Remember to carry a water bottle with you.
- On demand nursing. Setting time limits on your baby’s nursing may not provide enough milk as they hit growth spurts. Let the baby be your guide.
- Offer both breasts during feeding. This will help keep up milk supply for both breasts. If the baby is not interested, pump the second breast to maintain supply, provide more milk for bottle feedings when you are not available and help keep your milk ducts clear.
- Pump immediately after feeding. This does two things: it lets your breasts know that there is a need for more milk production and it also you to create a supply for your baby if you are away during a feeding.
- Pump between feedings. This creates a signal for your body to increase milk production. It also helps your body clear milk ducts and avoid mastitis.
Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding time for both mother and baby. Try not to stress if your baby is getting enough milk. The less stress you put on yourself, the better your milk production. Enjoy this time with your baby, even if it is 3 am!