5 Ways To Guarantee You Choose The Right Wedding Cake
Choosing the perfect wedding cake is important and I’ve talked about a few ways people can guarantee they end up with the right one on their big day.
You might think you’re the main attraction on your wedding day, but you actually come in a close second. Everyone will think the wedding cake is a lot more attractive and their mouths will start watering as soon as they lay their eyes on it. You must make sure you choose the right cake in the first place otherwise you’ll have a lot of angry guests on your hands. Let’s look at a few ways you can guarantee you choose the right cake.
Search on Pinterest
Don’t think for a minute you’re going to come up with something original for the design. I promise you hundreds of other people have thought of the same ideas running around in your head right now. Hopefully that relinquishes you of the responsibility for coming up with something you think is original. That means you can copy other cakes if you think they’re beautiful and Pinterest is one of the best places on the internet for gathering cake design ideas.
Decide on a budget
I’m sure you know by know a wedding isn’t the cheapest party you’ll ever throw in your life. One of the reasons it’s so expensive is because of all the extras you need to buy and one of those things is the lavish wedding cake. You want everyone to be blown away when they see if because the look of the cake is more important than the taste. Bare in mind they can cost as little or as much as you want, so set your budget and let your cake designer know before they start weaving their magic.
Size is everything
You don’t get to decide how big your wedding cake is. Actually that isn’t true, you can spend money on the biggest cake in the world and half of it would go to waste, so it’s probably better to say you shouldn’t try to decide how big your cake should be. Once you tell your cake designer how many people are going to your wedding they will be able to work out how much you need mathematically. If you’re having a small wedding you can still use dummy layers if you’re desperate for a gigantic cake.
Choose the right style
Once you find the right hairdresser you stick with them for years because you love their style. Even when you give another hairdresser the same instructions it’s unlikely they will even come close to your preferred choice. The same thing applies to wedding cake designers and you must choose one with a style you like. Unfortunately you won’t get to test lots out before you commit to one, so you will need to study their portfolio in great detail before you come to a final decision.
Don’t be cheapest
A lot of people learn the hard way that buying cheap products usually ends in disaster. Maybe you’ve been unfortunate enough to bend over and split your pants because the material was terrible. The same thing applies to wedding cakes and you only get what you pay for. Professionals know their worth and you won’t get anything on the cheap. That means you might have to work a few extra shifts between now and your big day if you want to get the best cake you can possibly afford.
Take your time
If you start looking around long before the wedding there is no reason why you won’t get something everyone will love. Don’t rush into anything because you don’t want to make a mistake. Remember everything we’ve talked about today when you start looking because it will make your job a hundred times easier.
Author Bio:
Nicola Joseph, the author of this article, is a freelance blogger, currently writing for, Heidelberg Cakes, a renowned cake shop in Adelaide. She loves spending time with her family and enjoys treating them to her savory dishes. You can get in touch with Nicola via Twitter @NicolaJoseph.