Modern blogging for all women on health, self care and fashion!
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About Us

I originated this site in 2004 days after I got married to the love of my life!  The site was initially strictly a bridal site that would mainly focus on traditions, trends and wedding news. These were some of the areas that I was lacking when planning for my big day.  Soon after, the focus completely shifted to things that many married woman focus on, such as relationship advise, trendy home designs, and ways to prepare you and the hubby for a family. It didn’t take long after that, when another focus area was added to the content of my site. This time is was the family life and mainly the ‘Mom Life’.

To say I’m obsessed with new trends, fashion, healthy living and healthy yummy foods is an understatement! My site will be a collection of useful and interesting blogs on areas that will interest every woman. We have an amazing group of writers that bring us content that is trending and popular.

I will continue to re-brand this site as it grows with me through cycles of life.  Life is a gift and I enjoy every aspect of this wonderful gift that has been given to me!

Once a bride, a wifey and a mommy!