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An Article for Men – 5 Benefits Of Having A Smart And Successful Wife By

An Article for Men – 5 Benefits Of Having A Smart And Successful Wife By

The American Psychological Association Journal of Personality and Social Psychology released a study earlier this year that showed that men who were told their partners scored in the top 12 percent of university students demonstrated “significantly lower implicit self esteem” than men who were told their partners were in the bottom 12 percent. If you needed any further proof that the current state of masculinity has decayed to a skinny jeans-wearing, over-emotional, self-esteem lacking embarrassment, there it is. There are few things more “beta male” in this world than taking an emotional hit when the person you supposedly care about most knocks it out of the park.

If you can’t tell already, I couldn’t feel more differently. Obviously I’m going to date someone I’m attracted to, but she better have more qualities than looks if she thinks she’s getting a ring. A girl who is smart, hot, and fun to hang out with is the Holy Grail, so the idea that this many men would be upset about having a girl with a brain is beyond me. Instead, this is why having a smart and successful partner should be the ultimate goal and not a source of stress induced erectile dysfunction.

1. A Smart, Successful Wife Helps Your Ego