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An Argument for a Non-Exotic Honeymoon

An Argument for a Non-Exotic Honeymoon

When people think honeymoon, they often think of exotic locations like South America or Hawaii. But there’s nothing wrong with staying close by for your honeymoon. Here are 5 reasons to plan a domestic honeymoon:

  1. Money: Let’s face it, you’re already shelling out a small fortune for your wedding. Sure, you’ll likely get wedding money, but that money could be put to another use like saving up for a house or putting it away for savings. Going somewhere that is either driving distance or a cheap plane flight away will help you start your new life together without breaking the bank.
  2. Relax: Going somewhere touristy is going to make you feel like you need to see all the sights. And while sight-seeing is great, it is likely going to be the last thing you want to do after all the hustle and bustle of wedding planning and the big event itself. If you honeymoon somewhere close by, you can rest assured knowing that you can always come back and see whatever you missed while you were busy doing … well, not sight-seeing, that’s for sure.
  3. Minimize packing stress: If you go somewhere close by or at least in the same country, you are going to have a much easier time packing than if you are getting ready for a trip around the world where the climate and culture are totally different. Knowing you can just make a quick stop at Target to pick up whatever essentials you forgot in your frenzied pre-wedding packing state will make getting ready for your honeymoon much easier.
  4. Sleep in after the wedding: You’re going to have a late night on your wedding night, so why spend the first morning as a married couple exhausted and rushed? Travelling somewhere close by eliminates the need for a 4 am wake up call, and you can still be on your honeymoon within 24 hours of saying “I do.”
  5. Splurge on extras: Stay in a 5-star hotel, spring for couples massages, or eat an expensive steak every night with all the money you saved by traveling somewhere close by.

There’s nothing wrong with staying close to home instead of traveling somewhere exotic, especially if that allows you to splurge on extras and actually relax.  Above all else, your honeymoon should give you a chance to spend time together as married partners, so choose a location that you both want to visit.